Friday 30 December 2011

Week In Review For Women's Wrestling #27

And it's the final week of 2011 to review. The year has been eventful and given us plenty to be happy about as well as more than enough reasons to throw things at our TVs and scream with rage. But since I've become a regular watcher of it, I've decided to add an entry for FCW into things as well. Let's see how the year ended for the ladies in each company.

Raw - Eve & Zack Ryder vs Tyson Kidd & Natalya:
Holy hell, Tyson has hair now? For a moment I thought The Miz had robbed his trunks. Anyway a mixed tag is fresh enough and Eve's theme song is actually growing on me. Funnily enough I made a joke months ago about Eve getting with Zack Ryder so really you can give me the credit for this awesome pairing. The Divas didn't do much in this match but the offence from Eve was solid. Natalya didn't really do much which is annoying. If you're only going to be in the ring for two minutes then you should give yourself a big move to do that will make the match memorable. The double Broski Boot was a nice touch. I'm presuming Beth isn't on TV because the swelling on her face hasn't gone down yet. It's annoying but WWE does do short build ups better than long ones so I'm sure if she was on TV we wouldn't have gotten much. The segment with Kelly Kelly was funny and I'm surprised the Bellas got to cut an actual promo. At least all the girls got on the show. 5/10

NXT Watch:
Aksana on NXT now? I hope she gets to have a match soon enough. Maxine must be loving all of this as she's managed to snag more screentime and attention in one episode than most Divas get in a month. I prefer her with Johnny Curtis since he's a lot more entertaining than Derrick Bateman. Once again annoyed there wasn't a match this week but hopefully we can see some more in the new year.

Impact - Knockouts Segment:
I'd love to see a talk show hosted by Madison Rayne and Vickie Guerrero because that would be pure gold in terms of entertainment. It was awesome to see Sting step in and overrule her like that because her reaction was priceless. However I'm annoyed that TNA have boxed themselves into a corner with their booking since they're having Tara and Brooke feuding with her but Gail is currently in a feud with Mickie for the singles belt meaning they can't have a proper match for the titles without Gail doing double duty. Just another reason why giving Gail both titles was a bad idea. Segment rating: 7/10

Eric Young & ODB vs Magnus & Samoa Joe:
I knew they would get too far in the tournament though I really hope they keep the two of them together because they do make an entertaining pair. ODB didn't do much in the match but it was a bit more entertaining than what she did last week. 6/10

Mickie James vs Gail Kim* (Knockouts Championship):
While I am happy the Knockouts got to the main event of Impact, I do wish they could have given this a bit more hype. With Trish/Lita and even Mickie/Tara there was a long running feud and the girls were on TV every week to hype it up. Here however they just used a main event match as a building block to another one at the next PPV when it really should be the other way around. That being said, the match was a bit better than the PPV one. Mickie has slowly upped her game in recent months and become a bit more exciting in the ring. Gail also seems to have properly adjusted to working as a heel because this is the best match she's had since she returned. However we all know that the two of them are capable of much better. I guess that's good if they're getting a third match at Genesis. I'm not ready for another Mickie title reign so give Gail a clean win over her and move on to someone about Velvet? She's someone who deserves a proper push way more than Mickie. 7/10

FCW - Raquel Diaz Promo:
She's certainly much better on the mic than she is the ring right now but that will change with more training. Obviously now she's Queen she should be featured in more matches and that will help her to improve in the ring. She showed promise in the match where she won the crown so I'm looking forward to the eventual match with Audrey Marie. She's certainly got as much charisma as her mother anyway.

Caylee Turner & Ivelisse Velez vs Cameron Lynn & Kaitlyn:
The FCW Face/Heel Revolving Door continues though I think I prefer Cameron as a heel and Caylee as a face. As an aside note the new ring announcer they have is pretty good - his voice doesn't irritate me like Justin Roberts. We didn't see that much of Ivelisse in the match as all she really did was sell for the faces but she did a good job. In fact she and Kaitlyn seemed to work pretty well together and I'm excited to eventually see the two of them in a possible singles match. Caylee was solid enough with her offence, if a little shaky. Things did fall apart a little towards the end with Cameron flailing about and not really selling the Code Breaker but I know how hard it is to sell a move like that so with more training she'll be fine. I liked the X-Factor to Cameron as the two got a great height on it. My eyes actually followed their journey as they went up and down. Though I wish the trainers would stop getting all the Divas to use an X-Factor as a finisher. 6/10

Smackdown - Alicia Fox & Kaitlyn vs Tamina & Natalya:
When I read the spoilers they said it was a bad 30-second match. I was expecting something awful but it was better than what I was expecting anyway. So Kaitlyn is still a face and she's just not teaming with AJ anymore. Not sure how I feel about it though I'm sure we'll eventually get more clarification in the next few weeks if they plan to follow up on Kaitlyn walking out on her. It was still a short match but fairly entertaining nonetheless. Both Tamina and Kaitlyn looked comfortable out there, like they knew what they were doing and Natalya of course was pulling double duty this week. The end was a bit confusing but watching it back it looks like Nattie collided with the turnbuckle so that's why she was crouching down. I have actually missed Alicia's scissors kick. The segment afterwards in the spoilers made it sound like Tamina turned face but watching it actually happen, it doesn't look like a face turn. Natalya didn't provoke her at all and she came off looking somewhat sympathetic. Perhaps this losing streak is meant to be leading towards a potential face turn for her? It's really too early to split DoD up just yet so let's hope both Natalya and Tamina remain heels for now and they sort out Alicia's push before they get wrapped up in other storylines. 6/10

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